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Permanent supportive housing (PSH)

PSH is decent, safe, affordable community housing for eligible members. This approach says that people with psychiatric disabilities have the right to live in a home of their choice, on their own, without any special rules or service requirements. They can live just like anyone else in the community — with flexible supports to sustain their success.

Subsidies and services

PSH includes both subsidies and services. In the past, Mercy Care managed both. Now, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Housing Program (AHP) manages subsidies. We oversee the services. You can learn more about this transition in the FAQs about AHP section later on this page.

A personal approach to housing

Some people may live in units reserved for the program’s tenants, among those with and without special needs. Others may get help finding, qualifying for and keeping their homes in the community.

Everyone in the program can get services that help them keep their housing, such as:

  • Case management

  • Help with daily activities

  • Conflict resolution

  • Crisis response 

They can also get help with tasks that let them fully take part in the community, like socialization and finding jobs.

How does PSH work?

How does PSH work?

  • Flexible, voluntary supports: Staff offers flexible, voluntary services to help people choose housing that meets their needs, obtain and pay for that housing, and keep it for as long as they choose.

  • Quality housing: Housing meets standards for safety and quality established by local, state and federal laws and regulations. Housing is similar to what’s available to others in the same income levels in the community. 

  • Rental help or standard lease: People typically pay 30% of their income toward rent plus basic utilities. The remainder is paid either by tenant-based rental help, which they can use in housing of their choice, or project-based rental help, which is linked to a specific location.

  • Functional separation of housing and supports: People sign a standard lease, just like any other member of the community, giving them the same legal rights. Continued tenancy is not subject to any special rules or participation in any particular services. 

  • Integration: Homes are located throughout the community or in buildings where the majority of units aren’t reserved for people with disabilities. People have opportunities for interactions with the community.

Need to learn more? You can email our Mercy Care Housing Department with questions. 

AHCCCS Housing Program (AHP) 

Q: What is the AHCCCS Housing Program (AHP)? 

The AHP is a statewide permanent supportive housing (PSH) and housing support program for people with mental health diagnoses who are:

  • Experiencing homelessness 

  • At risk for homelessness

The current AHP administrator is Arizona Behavioral Health Corporation (ABC). You can access ABC’s website for more information related to the AHP.

Q: Who is eligible for the AHP?

Eligibility may include members with a SMI designation and/or GMHSU. Refer to ABC’S website for more detail.

Q: How do I know if the member I’m supporting is on the AHP waitlist?

You’ll want to reach out to the current AHP administrator, Arizona Behavioral Health Corporation (ABC), for any updates on AHP housing.

Q: What type of housing does the AHP provide?

You can get information about the AHP administrator on ABC’s website

Q: Does the AHP administrator manage the Transitional Living Program (TLP)? 

TLP is not considered permanent supportive housing (PSH) and the AHP administrator doesn’t manage it. Mercy Care continues to manage the applications, waitlist and referrals. We also provide oversight to TLP providers. 

Q: Does Mercy Care participate in staffings for members housed with the AHP? 

Yes, we continue to be involved in staffings as needed to support our members in housing.

Q: How do members apply for housing with the AHP?  

Members can apply for housing with the support of their behavioral health (BH) provider, who can submit applications to ABC/HOM by email for processing.  

Q: Who can I contact with questions about member housing, including rent and maintenance?  

You’ll want to contact: 

  • Arizona Behavioral Health Corporation (ABC)/HOM for questions about rent, lease or housing subsidy  for questions about rent, lease or housing subsidy 

  • The member’s behavioral health (BH) provider for questions about services related to housing  

  • The member’s landlord for questions about maintenance of their unit 

ABC and the member’s BH provider may be able to help provide more help with: 

  • Talking to their landlord  

  • Maintenance requests 

Did the member receive a notice from their landlord? If yes, contact ABC and their BH provider for help to resolve any issues. 

Need to learn more about AHP? Check these resources: 

PSH services

PSH includes housing subsidies and supportive services. The current AHCCCS Housing Program administrator is Arizona Behavioral Health Corporation (ABC). They manage PSH subsidies.  

Continuity of services: Mercy Care continues to offer PSH services, available to all tenants, regardless of their housing location. The primary goal of supportive housing services is to help people maintain permanent housing in the community of their choice.   

Services for all: If a member already has housing, but wants supportive housing services, the behavioral health provider and member can reach out to one of eight PSH service providers to request services. These are available for members seeking housing and for those living independently.  

Services members can receive through PSH

  • Education on tenant rights  

  • Case management  

  • Financial management and budgeting  

  • Communication skills  

  • Safety and hazard recognition  

  • Health and wellness  

  • Community resource access 

Services are individualized and can last for as long as the member requires support to maintain housing.

Temporary Housing Assistance Program (THAP)

For members determined to have a serious mental illness (SMI) and need temporary help to prevent homelessness, this program combines:

  • Temporary financial help 

  • PSH services   

  • Supported employment services

Mercy Care has contracted with COPA Health and La Frontera/EMPACT to provide the THAP to members that may experience eviction or precarious housing in the community.   

This program provides time-limited financial support for eviction prevention activities that include, but are not limited to:   

  • Back rent  

  • Late utilities  

  • Moving help

  • Deposits

The current AHP administrator, Arizona Behavioral Health Corporation (since October 2021), manages the THAP.   

We oversee PSH and support employment services. These services continue to support the member's ongoing success in housing.   

Referrals to the THAP are made by the clinical team to the service provider. Here is contact information for each provider:

Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Permanent supportive housing (PDF). Accessed March 27, 2024.


Check your provider manual to learn more. Or contact us.